So today I was playing with my new NTX pallete that came in yesterday...(Only two more things left to come in :) ) And I decides I wanted to swatch all my make-up just kinda as a starting point for my collection...
Every Month on the 21st I am going to post a new blog with any new iteams I have gotten for the collection...
But right now these are what I have (minus foundations,blushes,powders, primers, moisterisers, and removers).
Here we go...
This is my new NYX pallete in "I dream in St.Lucia" as if I dont have enough Oranges lol.
This one is another great drugstore brand...HIP... I actually used to own more but I actually lost a lost of make-up awhile back...Including my favorite Too Faced Shadow ever...Long story...Anywho this is in Flair and it is going to be my go to colors once fall hit.
The one thing I'm not huge on yet is Mascara...To me they all work the same and if not I make it work lol...Right now I only have three but I would actually like to get some colors like blue and green and maybe some glitter ones...I have Maybelline Lash Stiletto in very black, Sephora brand in brown and in Black.
One thing I really want to start building up is my lip products right now I only have glosses but I really want to get some good lipsticks and hopefully some really night lip pencils...All of these are from a Bath and body works collection of COBigelow and almost all of there names are rubbed off so I'm sorry lol.
So thats about it out side of the things I said I'm not listing and brushes as well...That will be another blog...Thanks and enjoy :)
where'd you get the money for all this? it looks expensive