Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Guess Who's Backkk!

Well hello blog world!

Or Cassidy either one works.

So whats been going on with me?

I work at a photo studio which I love!

Soon to manage another branch of it as well...

I have kind of let my make-up go to the side a little while trying to work on all of that but I AM BACK!

I also recently became a Mark. Rep...

So as soon as I get up and going with that I will let everyone know, Warning this is not me asking you to buy from me or forcing you too (though it would be nice) It will mainly be me letting you know what is out there in the MArk. world.

Also I will be having some hauls coming up...

Since I have been on my hiatis I have made many purcheses so I might just start favorite videos till I knock though it all!

Other than that I am working a lot so I will blog when I can or when I am work...SHHHH!

Thats all for now...

See you soon!

1 comment:

  1. you have to help me with my heading picture thing. i want mine to be cool like yours
